One Caring Adult

The power of a caring adult in a student's life.
One caring adult.
Check & Connect enhances student engagement through relationship building, problem-solving, capacity building and persistence in school!
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Video from the Web version of this publication:

Check & Connect: A comprehensive student engagement intervention:

The U.S. Department of Education's What Works Clearinghouses states that Check and Connect is the only program found to have positive effects on staying in school.
Over 35 years committed to increasing student engagement. 10 international implementations.
A map of the world showing the locations where Check and Connect is used: United States, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, and New Zealand.
Check and Connect works! Students show statistically significant increases in: credit accrual, engagement in school, positive behavior supports, attendance, and school completion.
Support every step of the way.
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A young man opening his locker in a high school hallway.
Step 1: Explore
Step 2: Plan
Step 3: Train
Step 4: Implement
Step 5: Sustain