Professional Development

Check & Connect offers a variety of customized professional development (PD) offerings to support ongoing implementation and provide tailored tools, resources, and training to leadership teams and/or staff to deepen their understanding of how to implement Check & Connect with fidelity. A Check & Connect National Office team member will partner with your site to gain insight from your local administration and/or coordinators to design customized learning opportunities to sustain and grow the C&C program to maximize student outcomes.

Examples of professional development include, but are not limited to:

  • Coordinator Development and Support: Guided support sessions providing personalized growth and skill development for C&C Coordinator(s) to enhance implementation and maintain fidelity.
  • Planning and Modeling Mentor Meetings: Planning and modeling a C&C Mentor Meeting by reviewing fidelity tools to determine areas of growth/skill development needed by Mentors. A team member from the C&C National Office will support the Coordinator(s) in leading C&C Mentor Meetings with confidence through modeling/co-facilitating and/or providing specific skill building around the implementation of C&C.
  • Program Reports for Stakeholders: Support to create customized written reports for a variety of stakeholders to show program progress, growth, and impact using data generated from the C&C App.
  • Fidelity Assessment and Goal Setting: Review of Check & Connect’s core components and elements at the site, coordinator, and mentor level to determine barriers to fidelity and create individual and program goals and objectives to increase fidelity.
  • Sustainability and Growth Support: Creating a plan for continued implementation regardless of challenges such as staff turnover, leadership changes, and/or funding challenges.
  • Implementing the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI): Guided support in the administration, scoring, interpretation, and next-step planning when using the SEI to support student referrals and/or tracking student engagement.

Contact Us

If your organization wants to learn more about our professional development offerings, please contact us at