Online Support Modules
The following complimentary online support modules below are free resources to support sites that have already received and completed training:
The Mentor Practice Profile (MPP). This self-paced online learning module focuses on how to use the MPP to improve performance as a mentor.
After completing the module, learners will be able to:
- Understand how the MPP clearly articulates expectations of proficiency as a C&C mentor
- Use the MPP to identify their own strengths and areas for growth
- Develop a plan to enhance their efficacy
Mentor Practice Profile Self-Evaluation Tool. This tool is designed to help mentors reflect on their strengths as well as identify room for growth as they progress through the MPP-focused support module above.
"Check" Data. This self-paced online learning module focuses on how to maximize the use of data in your Check & Connect implementation.
After completing the module, learners will be able to:
- Identify the ABCs of “Check” data
- Analyze “Check” data to assess for risk
The Weekly “Connect” Meeting. This self-paced online learning module focuses on the weekly “Connect” meeting between the mentor and each student.
After completing the module, learners will be able to:
- Understand the four tasks of the basic intervention, or “Connect” Meeting. These tasks are:
- At Least Weekly:
- Share “Check” Data
- Provide feedback
- At Least Monthly:
- Discuss the importance of school
- Problem-solve WITH the student
- At Least Weekly:
- Apply the concepts demonstrated in examples of what the “Connect” meeting looks and sounds like
- Recognize that the mentor-student relationship is the critical foundation for achieving success with C&C interventions
Collaborating with Families. This self-paced online learning module focuses on how the mentor's relationship with families enhances family engagement.
After completing the module, learners will be able to:
- Understand the Four A’s (approach, attitudes, atmosphere, actions) as the foundation of establishing trusting relationships with families
- Identify a personal area for growth in engaging families such as:
- enhancing home-school communication
- home visits
- responding to parents' questions and concerns
- encouraging home support for learning
- Plan to improve engagement (two-way communication, collaboration, etc.) with families they serve
Family Engagement Reflection. This tool is designed to help mentors reflect on their family engagement practice as they progress through the Family Engagement Support Module above.
Planning for Mentor Professional Development. This self-paced online learning module focuses on how the C&C coordinator plans targeted professional development (PD) to support mentors' growth.
After completing the module, the learner will be able to:
- Recognize the importance of ongoing PD for mentors to ensure fidelity of implementation
- Identify mentors' strengths and areas for improvement
- Use C&C resources to plan data-driven PD
The Student Engagement Instrument (SEI). This self-paced online learning module focuses on how to use data from the Student Engagement Instrument (SEI) to enhance student engagement.
After completing the module, learners will be able to:
- Recognize the purpose and uses of the SEI
- Interpret average total and subdomain scores of the SEI
- Use data from the SEI to individualize interventions for students